
HypnoBirthing Classes for Gentle Birthing 

For the Mother-To-Be and her Birthing Companion 
Learn Relaxation Techniques so that you can give your baby a welcome that is calm, gentle, and safe. 
Achieve birth fulfillment–awake and alert–in a totally relaxed state of mind and body.  

What You Will Learn in HypnoBirthing® Classes HypnoBirthing® 

Classes are taught in a format of five, 3 hour classes. 

If you are very near to your birthing time, occasionally your Practitioner can make special arrangements for individual classes with you. 

Unit 1 – Setting the stage 
Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing® philosophy 
-The History of Women and Birthing 
-Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing 
-How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth 
-How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts 
-The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing. 
-Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos 

Unit 2 -Pre-birth family bonding and preparing your mind and body 
The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques 
-Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques 
-Breathing techniques for labor and birthing 
-Hypnotic relaxation and visualization 
-Selecting the right care provider 
-The Birth companion’s role in birthing 
-Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning 

Unit 3 – Self-hypnosis visualization and advanced deepening 
-Preparing Birth Preference Sheets 
-Preparing the Body for Birthing 
-Light Touch Labour Massage 
-Your body working for and with you 
-Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labour 
-Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts 

Unit 4 – Overview and summary of childbirth 
-Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase 
-Birth explained simply 
-Settling in at the hospital or birthing center 
-Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth 
-As labor moves along – passing time through labour 
-Hallmarks of labour 
-If labour rests or slows – Companion’s prompts and activities 
-As labour advances – birthing with your baby 
-Protecting the natural birthing experience 
-Birth rehearsal imagery 

Unit 5 – Birthing – The final act and bonding ​
-Moving into birthing 
-Positions for descent and birthing 
-Breathing baby down to birth 
-Baby moves to the breast 
-Family bonding with your baby